SAI Global offers the most comprehensive range of recognized and accredited certifications and standards services to fisheries and seafood businesses across the globe.

With a deep expertise in fisheries and certification standards, our seafood teams are well positioned to assist producers and buyers with responsible sourcing strategies based on available standards and best practice.

Our experts understand the culture and practices within fisheries management, commercial fishing and associated supply chains and help create solutions for positive communications at the management, fishery, fleet, vessel or product levels.

SAI Global is a leading Accredited Certification Body for the following Fishery Standards:

  • Marine Stewardship Council Certification (MSC)
  • Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (ARFM)
  • Icelandic Responsible Fisheries Management (IRFM)
  • Gulf United for Lasting Fisheries Responsible Fisheries Management
  • IFFO Responsible Supply

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